Board consisting of
13 members (5 executive members)
serving a 5-year term
29 board meetings
were held
Why is it material?
Regulatory Compliance reflects the Groups’ Management philosophy and commitment and aims at ensuring that the Company’s overall activity is law-abiding and reflects high levels of corporate responsibility. It establishes a climate of trust between the Company and the persons or entities that make up its partners in business, including employees, customers, suppliers, consumers and shareholders, as well as the administrative and judicial authorities. Thus, the company’s commercial position is strengthened and its reputation is established, while allowing it to develop the requisite climate of security and trust among its business partners and other stakeholders.
Our approach
The fundamental principles and values that govern the operations and business activities of the Group’s companies in Greece and abroad are included in a single Code of Conduct, the implementation of which is mandatory both for the Group’s Management and personnel and its external associates and suppliers.
The Code of Conduct provides for the operation of a Regulatory Compliance Unit, which implements the Code of Conduct and offers advice in connection thereto, as well as investigating complaints or reports about instances of its violation.
Various issues in the Code of Conduct are further outlined in specific Policies: Competition Policy, Personal Data Protection Policy, while a policy related to avoiding any conflict of interests is currently in its final draft.
Our ambition
The aim of HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group is to ensure that the activities of its companies and their business associations are governed by specific values and principles that are applied to all aspects of corporate activity, from simple, every-day issues to those that are more important and complex. These values and principles define a law-abiding and ethical manner of operation for the Group, towards attaining its business objectives and safeguarding its sustainability and progress.
According to the Principles of Corporate Governance drafted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), corporate governance is a system of relationships between a Company’s Management, its Board of Directors (BoD), shareholders and other stakeholders. It is the structure whereby the goals of the company are set and pursued, the main risks it confronts in its operations are identified, the means for attaining the corporate goals are determined, the risk management system is organised, and the performance of its Management in implementing the above is monitored.
In compliance with the provision of article 43a, par. 3 (d) of Cod. 2190/1920, which was added by the article 2 par. 2 of Law 3973/2010 and provides for the obligation of the listed companies to make a corporate governance statement, referring to the corporate governance code they apply, the company has adopted the Corporate Code Governance of the Greek Corporate Governance Council (GCGC) for Listed Companies (hereinafter referred to as the “Code”). The Code is available on the ESED website,click here.
Besides the ESED site, the Code is available to all staff through the company’s internal website as well as in print form to the Group’s Finance General Division and Human Resources Division. The Code of Corporate Governance, as opposed to the mandatory provisions of the relevant laws referred to above, is a self-regulatory and voluntary commitment of the company.
The Corporate Governance Code adheres to the “comply or explain” approach and requires that listed companies which choose to implement it should publicise such an intention and either comply with all the special practices provided in the Code or explain their reasons for not complying with specific special practices. For further details, see Annual Report 2018 (Corporate Governance Chapter, p.86-103)
The company is managed by a Board of Directors consisting of thirteen (13) members and its term of office is five years, expiring on 17/4/2023, extending until the expiry of the deadline within which the next Ordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of the company must be held.
The BoD constitutes the company’s highest management body and principally defines the company’s strategy and growth policy, and supervises and monitors the management of the company’s assets. For further details, see Annual Report 2018 (Corporate Governance Chapter, p. 86-103)
The Group pursues the following activities: Refining, Supply and Trading, Marketing of Petroleum Products in Greece and abroad, Production and Trading of Petrochemicals, Exploration and Production of Hydrocarbons and Production and Trading of Electric Energy and Natural Gas. With the addition of Engineering (ASPROFOS S.A.) and Renewable Energy Sources (HELPE RES) activities, these activities comprise the business line of a large energy Group that aims at optimizing operations and developing innovation.
(1) Operationally, the Data Protection Officer reports to HELLENIC PETROLEUM’s Board of Directors and/or to the Board of Directors of the other companies of the Group in which he serves as the data processing officer; administratively, he reports to the Deputy CEO.
The Group’s risk management system has been designed so as to identify and manage threats and opportunities. It includes safeguards and audit mechanisms at various levels within the Group, as described in detail here (p. 36-42, 171-173 & 180-181).
Part of the Internal Audit System is the operation of the Group’s Internal Audit Division (GIAD), which contributes to improving conditions for Risk Identification, Assessment and Management, the Internal Audit System and Corporate Governance, with the objective of attaining the Group’s strategic goals.
Important actions undertaken in 2018 are the following:
Audit category | Number |
Facilities for the production, marketing and trading of petroleum products (including safety issues) | 19 |
IT issues (including Information Security) | 4 |
Procurement sector | 9 |
Regulatory compliance | 4 |
Human Resources issues | 4 |
Financial – administrative – commercial issues | 16 |
In addition, and in order to ensure that the company operates properly and efficiently, the framework of the General Divisions and Divisions responsibilities includes the drafting of Policies and Procedures that come under the Operational Administration System (O.A.S.), which are approved, depending on their content and field of application, in accordance with the applicable O.A.S. Implementation Policy.
The HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group has incorporated Sustainable Development into its strategy, while all of its activities are in line with its commitment to operate as a socially responsible business.
This approach is also reflected in the overall Corporate Responsibility policy that has been applied over the last ten years.
Every effort is made to minimize environmental impacts, create a safe, healthy and good working environment, protect human rights, and create conditions for growth without compromising the future of later generations.
In the context of implementing this policy, the Group:
On the basis of the principle of Transparency and the Group’s commitment to providing regular updates to stakeholders, an annual Sustainable Development & Corporate Social Responsibility Report is prepared in accordance with the current international standards. As of 2007 the Group has endorsed and contributes to the dissemination of the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact for,
a) the protection of human rights and respect for labour rights
b) the protection of the environment and use of environment-friendly technologies
c) the elimination of discrimination
d) the fight against corruption
and also issues a Communication on Progress (COP) report.
It endorses and applies the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and complies with international guidelines about Sustainability Reporting, the Global Reporting Initiative, and the GRI Standards, including the Oil and Gas Sector Supplement. The trustworthiness of the data and information supplied is certified by a third-party independent entity and also the CoP is posted on the UN Global Compact website.
The Group endorsed the Greek Sustainability Code and complies with the 20 criteria reflecting the need to measure economic, environmental and social performance.
The Company’s Articles of Association provide that 11 out of the 13 members of the BoD are appointed and not elected by the General Assembly which is a deviation from the Corporate Governance Code which is highlighted in the Group’s published Corporate Governance Statement. Nevertheless, in recent years significant efforts have been made towards promoting the main principles of corporate governance in order to minimise any deviations from the Corporate Governance Code. Therefore over the last twelve months:
In addition to the evaluation of the BoD through its Annual Report by the Ordinary General Assembly of the shareholders, the BoD monitors and reviews the implementation of its decisions on a yearly basis, regularly evaluates its effectiveness in fulfilling its tasks as well as that of the commissions it has set up. To date, this assessment has been conducted by the BoD as a body and of its set up on past experience committees. During this evaluation, the Chairman presides, and the results are discussed at a meeting of the Board. The Chairman is responsible for taking measures addressing the weaknesses resulting from the evaluation. In 2019 a process of self-assessment of the functioning of the BoD is considered. Also an assessment of its performance by an external consultant is considered for 2020.