Independent certification was conducted for each point and criterion, as shown in detail for the 21 GC Advanced level CoP criteria.
Criteria Summary | Best Practices | GRI Indices, and/or Report’s Sections | Ext. Certification |
The CoP describes mainstreaming into corporate functions and business units |
102-14, 102-18, 102-22, 102-25 Moreover, sustainability responsibilities are assigned to Directorates of Procurement, HR, Environment, Health & Safety. 102-16, 102-18, 102-22, 102-35, Material Topics |
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The CoP describes value chain implementation |
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Our Commitment
– We respect human rights within our area of influence and operate our businesses in such a way as to make us an exemplary employer.
– We aim to be the preferred employer with a respectful corporate culture and support for our employees’ well-being.
– Code of Conduct
– Corporate Health & Safety Policy
– Internal Labour Regulation
– Procurements’ Regulation
– Integrated relevant parts of our Codes, Policy or Regulations into new supply contracts
– Corporate Health Policy (campaign and expanded measurement)
– Group wide awareness and training programs on Corporate Values / Human Rights / Code of Conduct
– Relevant GRI Standards
Criteria Summary | Best Practices | GRI Indices, and/or Report’s Sections | Ext. Certification |
The CoP describes robust commitments, strategies or policies in the area of human rights |
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The CoP describes effective management systems to integrate the human rights principles |
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The CoP describes effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms of human rights integration |
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Our Commitment
We respect the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the ILO, in accordance with national & European legislation.
Criteria Summary | Best Practices | GRI Indices,and/or Report’s Sections | Ext. Certification |
The CoP describes robust commitments, strategies or policies in the area of labour |
√ |
The CoP describes effective management systems to integrate the labour principles |
√ |
The CoP describes effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms of labour principles integration |
√ |
Our Commitment
We recognize that our production, transport and storage activities have an impact on the environment.
We are constantly minimizing our business’ impact on the environment, focusing on emissions, carbon efficiency and climate protection.
Criteria Summary | Best Practices | GRI Indices,and/or Report’s Sections | Ext. Certification |
The CoP describes robust commitments, strategies or policies in the area of environmental stewardship |
√ |
The CoP describes effective management systems to integrate the environmental principles |
√ |
The CoP describes effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for environmental stewardship |
√ |
Our Commitment
We do not tolerate corruption and are committed to compliance with international antibribery standards, as stated in the Global Compact and regional anti-corruption and bribery legislation.
Criteria Summary | Best Practices | GRI Indices,and/or Report’s Sections | Ext. Certification |
The CoP describes robust commitments, strategies or policies in the area of anti-corruption |
√ |
The CoP describes effective management systems to integrate the anti-corruption principle |
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The CoP describes effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for the integration of anti-corruption |
√ |
Criteria Summary | Best Practices | GRI Indices,and/or Report’s Sections | Ext. Certification |
The CoP describes core business contributions to UN goals and issues |
The following initiatives are embedded in the Group’s business strategy & implemented in daily operations:
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The CoP describes strategic social investments and philanthropy |
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The CoP describes advocacy and public policy engagement |
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The CoP describes partnerships and collective action |
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Criteria Summary | Best Practices | GRI Indices,and/or Report’s Sections | Ext. Certification |
The CoP describes CEO commitment and leadership |
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The CoP describes Board adoption and oversight |
√ |
The CoP describes stakeholder engagement |
√ |
ANNEX: Business & Peace
22 | The CoP describes policies and practices related to the company’s core business operations in high-risk or conflict-affected areas | Neither HELLENIC PETROLEUM nor its subsidiaries are operating in high-risk or conflict-affected areas. | ||
23 | The CoP describes policies and practices related to the company’s government relations in high-risk or conflict-affected areas | |||
24 | The CoP describes local stakeholder engagement and strategic social investment activities of the company in high-risk or conflict-affected areas |
Tables’ Reference Symbols